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Finds the specified text. The search criteria can represent multiple lines.

Replaces specific text with different text. The search and replace criteria can represent multiple lines.

Count Occurrences
Counts occurrences of search-text criteria.

Search Again
Repeats the last search.

Search Reverse
Repeats the last search in reverse direction.

Quick Find
Finds the next occurrence of the highlighted text. Note that this command uses the current settings of the Find dialog box (search direction/match case/whole word/scope)

Search Disk
Finds/replaces the specified text in files on the disk. The replace feature is not available in the Freeware version of NoteTab Std (unless the "View | Commercial Features" menu command has been activated).

Set Bookmark
Sets or turns off bookmark at cursor position. This submenu is only available in NoteTab Pro. Currently, bookmarks cannot span across Outline topics and are lost when you move to another topic.

Go to Bookmark
Moves cursor to the specified bookmark. This submenu is only available in NoteTab Pro.

Go to Tab
Activates the specified document tab.

Go to Line
Jumps to the specified line. In NoteTab Pro you can jump to a paragraph by preceding the number with a letter "p".

Go to Hyperlink
Opens the document or heading corresponding to hyperlink under the cursor.

Match Brackets
Finds the matching bracket. Place the cursor inside the bracket area and NoteTab will select the brackets and all the text between them. The algorithm that performs the search has been optimized for speed. Under some rare situations it will not find a matching bracket. However, if you select one of the brackets before selecting this command, the search will always return the correct result.